Mini Trampoline Workout at Home [20-Minute, Full-Body]

Trampolines can provide an effective form of low-impact cardio exercise. However, many people don’t know that you can do a mini trampoline workout to resistance train as well.

Lose Weight and Tone Muscles with a Full-Body Mini Trampoline Workout with Resistance Bands

Imagine toning your legs, abs, buttocks, back, shoulders, arms and core all during a 20-minute workout session. Yes, you can do rows, shoulder presses and bicep curls while you are strengthening your quads, hamstrings and calves. Sign me up!

In fact, fitness pros use these small trampolines to perform intense (and fun) interval training workouts (HIIT). You can even perform movements with weights or resistance bands to increase the calories burned.

Use a Mini Trampoline to Strengthen Your Core and Get Flat AbsIn addition, jumping “enthusiasts” use trampolines for toning, marathon training, balance exercises, circuit training and more.

Rebounders that include resistance bands enable you to easily strengthen your arms as well as your legs.

Plus, don’t forget that your core works the entire time, helping you to lose belly fat and flatten your stomach.

Mini Trampoline Workouts for Beginners:

Even if you’ve never stepped foot on a rebounder, you’ll find that it’s easy to get started. Here are 3 reasons:

1. Follow-Along Trampoline Classes

First of all, several professional instructors offer online video classes or DVD group workouts you can buy. Simply follow along and learn as you go.

Check out the Youtube video below for an example of fun jumping dance movements you can do on a rebounder. Some call it a “Bar Hopping Workout”. (Or, use it as a quick 5-minute cardio session!)

2. Built-in Bar Provides Rebounder Stability

Second, rebounders that come with a handle that provides stability for newbies. Plus, it gives you more versatility in the exercises that you can perform.

3. Start Slow, Then Increase Exercise Resistance & Workout Intensity

And third, you can start with basic movements while you get your footing. Then, you can progress to move advanced exercises and greater resistance.

What’s the Best Mini Trampoline to Buy for Home Workouts?

Stamina Mini Trampoline With Resistance BandsYou can get a small, cheap Gold’s Gym rebounder from Walmart for about $25. This 36″ model works fine for stimulating lymph circulation and basic cardio workouts. Make sure to read customer reviews. For example, Proform makes a similar fitness trampoline, but customers think it’s terrible. JumpSport also sells a slightly larger version, but it costs about $200.

However, if you want to strengthen and tone your arms while exercising your legs, look for a package that includes resistance bands. These allow you to achieve a full-body workout at home in a minimal amount of time.

In addition, rebounders with a bar give you more variety in the exercises you can perform. Plus, you get the add stability if you need it. I like the Stamina InTone Oval Jogger because it has a larger bounce space, plus it comes with an electronic fitness monitor. Bonus!

Specs for Mini Trampoline Workout Package:

  • Dimensions: 45″ long x 33.5″ wide x 48″ tall
  • Frame Material: Steel
  • Product Weight: 21 lbs
  • Weight Capacity: 250 lbs
  • Electronic Fitness Monitor: tracks jumps per minute, workout time, total jumps, calories burned
  • Handlebars: Padded, Adjustable
  • Assembly, Care & Instruction Manual
  • Package Includes: Stamina InTone Oval Jogger, 2 medium resistance tubes, workout DVD, instruction guide
  • Get the Stamina InTone Oval Jogger Here

Mini Trampoline Features, with Resistance Bands, Balance Bar

Choose Your Mini Trampoline Workout:

The Stamina InTone package includes an exercise DVD with Mia Finnegan. That said, you can vary your workouts with different instructors and routines.

For example, check out this 8-minute Tabata workout. You’ll notice that the routine includes some basic exercises. However, the unstable rebounder surface along with the fast-paced interval really ramps up the calorie-burning. (For instance, think about squats compared to jump squats compared to jump squats on a trampoline!)

Alternatively, you can try this cardio workout for weight loss. The sequence lasts 5 minutes, so you can repeat it for a 10-minute mini trampoline workout. Or, you can go through it multiple times for a 15, 20 or 30-minute workout.

I like how videos give you a guideline to follow, as well as the feeling of a group workout. I find it more motivating.

Rebounder with Bands

You can also download a rebounder workout app from the Apple app store. Plus, Cellercise has a chart of 17 different rebounder exercises on their website (with pictures). You can follow these movements or create your own custom routine to build strength and lose weight. They even have a printable workout schedule for beginners.

The Many Benefits of Mini Trampoline Workouts…

On top of losing weight and getting fit, rebounders offer a number of other health benefits. One of which includes lymphatic drainage. Dr Josh Axe states that rebounding boosts the immune system because the jumping movement increases circulation and thus, the clearing of toxins.

Plus, this is happening simultaneously while you are strengthening muscles, increasing balance and improving your mood. Not to mention, getting in your cardio workout for the day. =)

Do Mini Trampoline Workouts Get Rid of Cellulite?

A healthy lymphatic system can help flush toxins from the body and therefore decrease the appearance of cellulite. That said, people should not look at rebounders as a cure for cellulite. The more active you are, the less you will need to worry about cellulite. (Plus, jumping definitely provides a great toning and slimming workout for legs and thighs.)

Using Rebounders for Therapy & Recovery:

Alternatively, physical therapists use these mini bouncers for rehab exercises. For example, if you enjoy running but have an injured knee or suffer from back pain, a mini trampoline may help.

Not to mention, some seniors want to maintain their bone strength without impacting their joints. Plus, rebounders can provide the perfect exercise platform for those suffering from arthritis.

For those who suffer from osteoarthritis, the Arthritis Foundation recommends starting by increasing your range of motion. Then, work on increasing blood circulation throughout your body.

My Final Thoughts on the Mini Trampoline for Home Gyms:

For less than $75, you can get low-impact, strength-building, balancing, HIIT and cardio workouts. And I’m talking about using just one piece of equipment.

Jumping on a Trampoline is FunMini trampolines make it easy to keep workouts interesting and fun. In other words, you won’t get bored and stop working out.

Plus, it requires very little space, so you can use it your bedroom, home office or even on a patio or deck. Then, you can fold it up and store it a closet or underneath a bed when you’re done.

I think convenience plays a big role in home exercise equipment. If it’s to cumbersome or awkward to use or move, that’s not a good sign. The simpler the device, the easier it is to use and reach your fitness goals.