Home Workouts Without Equipment [ My Favorite Way ]

100 No-Equipment Workouts
Losing weight and getting in shape doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. In fact, you can do a variety of home workouts without equipment.

However, many of us don’t know which exercises to do that will get us the results we want. Plus, we don’t want to do the same routine everyday because then we will get bored.

Workout videos can work fine for some people, but again, you can stuck performing the same routine day after day.

Not to mention, you need a TV to watch the videos. And, you have to continually look up to follow along with the workout.

My Favorite Way to do Home Workouts Without Equipment:

Woman Stretching Outdoors Before Home WorkoutAs I mentioned above, trying to follow a workout video on a TV screen can be challenging. Instead, I prefer to have a simple exercise routine that I can follow at my own pace.

Then, I can do my workout while listening to energizing music or an interesting podcast. On the other hand, I can take my workout outdoors or to the park. I get to choose!

Ideally, workouts include just a few different movements in a simple pattern so that I don’t have to think too much. Plus, when I have a workout guide to follow, it motivates me even more to start and stick to my workouts.

I can choose completely new exercises to do everyday, so I never get bored. Plus, I can strengthen and tone my entire body rather than just my arms or legs.

Working Out Without Equipment Helps You Exercise More…

I really like the 100 No-Equipment Workouts book because it is small enough that you can take it anywhere. Now, traveling doesn’t need to get in the way of my workouts.

In addition, not having to depend on weights or exercise equipment makes losing weight and staying in shape even easier. (Not to mention cheaper!)

Woman Lunging During Home Workout

Tip: Workout on your terms. In other words, exercise when you want, where you want and for the length of time you want. This factor is another great motivator for me.

I don’t need to set aside 60 minutes for a class. If I only have 10 minutes, that works totally fine.

On the other hand, if I find myself procrastinating on my workout, I simply tell myself to do 5 minutes of exercise. That always (yes always) energizes and motivates me to complete a 20-30 minute routine.

Are Heavy Weights and Fancy Exercise Equipment Better?

Heavy weights and fancy equipment can definitely help you get stronger and lose weight. However, you don’t need them to build muscles. In fact, many bodyweight exercises like pistol squats, push ups and pull-ups can burn a lot of calories.

In addition, you can save tons of time. When I used to have a Crossfit gym membership, it took me 20 minutes to drive to the gym. Add on parking, setting up equipment, etc, and a 20-minute workout ended up taking me more than an hour and a half!

Having said all that, there’s no reason that you can’t incorporate into your home workouts. For example, TRX suspension straps, resistance bands, dumbbells or stability balls.

Note: Home workouts without equipment may not sound exciting. But when my 20-minute workout is done in 20 minutes – that’s exciting! =)

Man Doing Mountain Climber Body Weight Exercise at Home

You Can Do All Sorts of Workouts at Home…

This no-equipment workout plan lets you do 10, 20 or 30-minute workouts. Or anything in between, for that matter. Build routines for legs, upper body or a full body workout.

In addition, you can make your workout a HIIT session (high intensity interval training), AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) or EMOM (every minute on the minute). Increase the cardio and make your session more aerobic.

Alternatively, you can choose exercises to perform like a basic circuit training. Choose movements to strengthen and tone your whole body without the high amount of cardio.

Either option can help you strengthen your core and burn belly fat, in addition to mixing up your routine. Not to mention, provide all the other health benefits.

Woman Doing Sit Ups at Home

Note: This no-equipment workout plan works great for beginners because you get a step-by-step plan to follow. You can even instantly download this cheap and easy guide and start today.

Easy-to-follow visual routines guide you through the workout, as you go from one exercise to the next. (Book includes pictures.) Pick the exercises you like most or randomly select one and make it a workout of the day. The author recommends doing 3-4 workouts per week.