Pilates Workout at Home – How to Do It for $30

Pilates provides a great way to strengthen and tone your body without high impact movements or heavy weights. However, it can be challenging to make time for a class. That’s why I love the Long Lean Toning Bar for doing pilates workouts at home.

Long Leaning Toning Bar for Doing a Pilates Workout at Home

Plus, this simple (yet ultra-sturdy) piece of equipment only costs $30! Just grab a mat and some music, and you’ve just set up your home gym for way less than $100.

Get All the Pilates Benefits – Without Paying all the Money!

Not to mention, you get a free 60-minute workout DVD (and streaming video!) with this $30 pilates home gym package. Seriously, this is the best pilates home workout device if you want to save money. =)

Simulate the same moves you would do on an expensive reformer machine. In addition, you can use the bar and bands to perform strength training circuit style workouts and yoga stretches.

Woman Doing Pilates Workout at Home with Toning Bar

Note: This specially-designed portable pilates home workout kit lets you use “time under tension” to get a lean, sculpted body. no heavy weights or fast movements required! In fact, I find that slower movements help improve my focus and help me relax. BONUS!

Get a Workout Done in 5 Minutes?

Are you like me? Constantly finding excuses and finding ways to talk myself out of working out? This totally portable toning bar makes it easy to workout virtually anywhere. Take it to the office, a park, your next business trip or even on vacation (did I really just say that?).

In addition, you can use this handy device to exercise for 5 minutes at a time. 5 minutes of squats, lunges or overhead presses? I’ve got time for that. Get a short – but effective – workout in without having to give up an hour (or even 30 minutes).

How Will a Toning Bar Let You Do Pilates at Home?

Donna Savage, founder of the long lean toning bar, explains and demonstrates how this very simple (yet effective) pilates tool works:

On the other hand, you can get a full-body workout with this basic-looking gadget. Here are some examples:

  • Lower Body Muscles:
    Sculpt your glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves with exercises like leg presses, squats, lunges and calf raises.

  • Upper Body:
    Build up your biceps, triceps, shoulders and lats whenever you lift, curl or rotate the bar.

  • Core:
    Target your upper and lower abs, plus the obliques with many of the core-building movements.

Think Your Pilates Home Workout Routine is Too Easy?

Oh, don’t worry! I won’t treat you like a beginner for long. Simply coil the bands around the bar for added resistance. And quit complaining because deep down you really love it. =)

Is Pilates Good for Weight Loss?

I’ll tell you what – I have learned something only recently. Stress can have a big impact on weight loss (in a bad way). Therefore, you want to GET RID OF IT!

Pilates workouts (especially when you do them at home in a peaceful environment) can help you release stress. Basically, your pilates routine does double-duty for you.

This can work in your favor, and you don’t even have spend extra time at the gym!

Plus, pilates exercises help you build muscle through resistance movements. In turn, the more muscle you gain, the more calories your body burns while at rest.

Pilates At-Home Workouts for Beginners:

The long lean toning bar comes with a good pilates workout video. In addition, the Youtube video below provides some great ideas for how to perform a 15-20 minute pilates workout at home. (Great for beginners!)

The toning bar has an almost identical design to the “Gymstick”. Therefore, you can take advantage of Gymstick online workout videos/classes to get some extra strength training in…

More Information on the Pilates At-Home Toning Bar